Welcome to my blog!

Hello! Thanks for visiting my blog! I am excited to share my new journey at Penn GSE with you! Please feel free to leave a comment. I look forward to connecting with you!

Here's a bit more info. of myself in addition to the profile:

I was born in Xi'an, and grew up in Guangzhou, China. I completed my undergraduate program at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, with a major in Communication and a minor in Spanish.

Prior to coming to Penn, I was working as an International Student Advisor and Marketing Representative at Wisconsin ESL Institute where I found my passion for international education. I am most interested in two specializations of the Higher Ed. field: International Admissions and International Student Services.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

An Inspirational Quote to Share

Positive words contain immense power to touch one's heart and inspire one's life. They easily touch my heart and motivate me to keep pushing forward toward another milestone despite the tremendous stress I experience from time to time...

Here is one from one of my professors this semester that I would like to share with all of you here. It is such a blessing to have educators around me who truly care about their students, and can inspire us in big or small ways on a daily basis. I hope you will be inspired, too, even without knowing about the context. :)

"I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your willingness to both listen and provide honest and genuine feedback. I hope you each know I truly appreciate your presence and the offerings contributed to the class. Each voice is important and relevant. At the end of the day, we become better because of the knowledge gained by our individual and collective experiences. The work we do is significant and if you already haven't, you are about to embark on a journey that can and will save people's college experiences, if not some of their lives. You will make a difference and I simply want to do my part in making sure you are all confidently ready. Students across the country will be lucky to have you in their lives. Just remember, we will continue to grow no matter how much experience we have. So, be present, transparent, honest and risk taking by leaving your comfort zone when possible- our students are watching and they need you, they need us." 

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