Welcome to my blog!

Hello! Thanks for visiting my blog! I am excited to share my new journey at Penn GSE with you! Please feel free to leave a comment. I look forward to connecting with you!

Here's a bit more info. of myself in addition to the profile:

I was born in Xi'an, and grew up in Guangzhou, China. I completed my undergraduate program at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, with a major in Communication and a minor in Spanish.

Prior to coming to Penn, I was working as an International Student Advisor and Marketing Representative at Wisconsin ESL Institute where I found my passion for international education. I am most interested in two specializations of the Higher Ed. field: International Admissions and International Student Services.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Searching for A Good Balance

       In one of my earliest blogs, I shared my happiness of being able to find my rhythm here at GSE. I have been able to complete my assignments one or two days before the due date and really love the feeling of being prepared for classes. This rhythm (or more specifically, my academic rhythm) helps me to remain productive during the past few weeks. However, academics is only one part, although a major one, of my graduate program at Penn. The other big part is my graduate assistantship at the GSE Office of Admissions and Financial Aid.

       We just successfully hosted our Fall On-Campus Information Session this Saturday. My GA team put in amazing efforts to prepare for this event. Close to twenty admissions ambassadors were also here to help the event go smoothly. Thanks to those of you who were able to come! And to those of you who were not able to join us, no worries. We've got many other events in the near future. 

       I was very relieved that everything went well at the event. During the past two weeks. I was awake and actively studying or working for over 17 hours daily. I stayed up way past mid-night almost every day in order to read for my classes, complete writing assignments, prepare for group presentations and work on our event tasks.  With so little time and so much to complete, I have been very reluctant to stop to take a short break, even just to chill with my husband. Consequently, I start to struggle with balancing the multiple roles I have in life: graduate student / wife / daughter / graduate assistant / family member / friend / colleague, etc.  Meanwhile, I am also feeling that my body will be burnt out soon if I don't learn to have a good balance between study/work and rest. After all, it has only been one and a half month into the semester! The obvious complaint I got from my body was this Saturday. On the way home from our event, I started to have a major headache and was feeling very weak. Knowing that I wouldn't have much time to connect with my husband once weekend is over, I spent some time chatting with him, taking care of some chores with him, and watching a movie together. I passed out right after the movie and slept like a rock until the very next afternoon! I didn't get much done as I had hoped, but I wasn't feeling guilty this time. I knew that was a much needed rest. 

       This coming week is another one that will require me to probably put in extra time in studying and working before Thursday. I will be flying back to Madison, WI early Thursday morning to present with my former supervisor at the NAFSA Region V Conference the next day. I've been very excited about this opportunity and looking forward to seeing my former colleagues and students there.

       I don't think I will be able to find a good balance soon, but it's definitely on my radar. This is not just an important thing to learn during this one year, but also important after I step into the professional working environment again because I will still have as many roles then, if not more. That being said, I am thankful that this graduate school experience is preparing me in all different ways to grow and explore in life. 

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